Reading Yellow Leaves

Chlorosis, a shortage of chlorophyll that reults in yellowing leaves, can happen to a whole range of plants. The yellow leaves are the plant telling you, "I don't feel well," and could be caused by just about anything., including a whole group of diseases.
But if it is happening slowly and there are no other symptoms like curling, spots, brown edges or wholesale leaves dropping, it's likely your plants are either waterlogged or hungry. They might also be suffering from an iron deficiency, though this is less common than was once thought.
Since you are watering everyday, assume that is the problem. If your soil is heavy clay, frequent watering could be drowning the roots. If it's sandy, chances are that constant watering is leaching nutrients from the soil. Either way, the solution is simply to cut back on the water a bit; it's alright for the surface soil to dry out, and the root zone should be moist, not wet.
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