Drying Hydrangeas

If you love hydrangeas and would like to preserve their beautiful blossoms, here is a simple way to dry them for arrangement you may wish to create:
Dry them the same way you would dry most flowers harvested for this prupose, namely, wait until they are almost fully open, then cut them off the plant, keeping a good sized stem. Hang them upside down in a warm (not dry), airy place, out of strong sunlight.
While small-flowered plants such as baby's breath can be hung together in bunches of several stems, hydrangea flowers are densely packed, they are likely to rot if bunched. To ensure good air circulation, it's best to hang individual stems and keep them well apart. For maximum color retention, hang them in a place that does not get ANY direct light.
For a very informative artilce on this subject click here.
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