Pests & Solutions
I went to a pest conference sponsored by The University of Massachussetts and my local Extension Service for some pesticide training. Listen to this exciting title:
Potential Pests, Possible Solutions
The insects we zeroed in on were the winter moth, the gypsy moth, the hemlock wooly adegid and the forest tent caterpillar. The speakers told us about bio-controls being developed and new chemical and organic compounds to adress the problem. I'll pass on information to you as soon as I start to collate it and make sense of all the sci-jargon.
In the meantime, let me reccommend "Great Flowering Landscape Shrubs" by Vincent A. Simone with photographs by Bruce Curtis. This is a great book to add to your gardening library (along with mine, of course!) I think it is a 'mini-treasure' on flowering shrubs. You can get more information by simply running a Google search for the author /and or title.
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