Easy Lawns

The typical suburban lawn provides little satisfaction. Any expansive lawn and its maintenence can easily turn into just another monotonous chore. I could often see my neighbor trying to keep his lawn an emerald green, the hedges and shrubs neatly pruned, and the fallen leaves all raked and bagged for collection and thought: "that must get pretty old- pretty fast!"
Let's make your lawn an easier, more enjoyable lawn by employing low-maintenence ground covers, shrubs and trees. The funny thing about what you will discover in this blog is that, surprisingly, this easy lawn will most likely far outshine your old one in appearance, too!
A New Vision Of Lawn Care
Lawn maintenence consumes more gardening time than just about any other garden chore.
They must be mowed, weeded, watered, fertilized, limed, dehatched, re-seeded, edged, and raked of debris including leaves. Add the fact that these chores must be performed at critical times in the lawns seasonal cycle and you get a pretty rough picture of just how daunting this lawn business can be.
One of the best ideas I can give you is to actually reduce the amount of space taken up by lawn. Flower and herb gardens, shrubbery borders, and expanses of decorative lawn covers can replace much of this large, task intensive lawn area,--- especially those difficult to mow areas.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying lawn areas are bad! Heaven forbid! A well-kept expanse of lawn delights the eye and sets off your other landscaping. It is restful and it integrates. Bolder textures of foliage are offset by a fine lawn and can save you from having a garden area that is too 'busy' or overpowering.
Furthermore, no plant can replace the fine-textured lawn. No other gorundcover is as good as simple lawn grass.
The shape of the lawn area also plays a large roll in the garden's design. Does it curve? Sqaure oiented? Elgonated? Round? Whichever yours is, realize it plays a crucial role in directing the eye and can add special design qualities to the ifnal appearance you intend. Nice to know, as well, that lawns have never been known to block any views!
Heres' something to consider as you prepare your weekends around this vital landscaping area: Don't just assume that the lawn is the automatic answer to filling up leftover yard space. Do just the reverse- plan the lawn shape and then plant around it!
The nice thing about lawns (and there are so many) is that it is a relatively low-cost form to other alternatives like mass plantings of groundcover plants or installing extensive decking or a brick or stone patio.
Next time: Sloping Lawns
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