Ground Cover Magic

When you see the words about groundcover that is "Beautiful", "Easy", "Quick To Spread" in a garden catalogue it sounds very enticing!
But watch out for what you wish for because some species of ground cover are actually hell-bent on covering the entire earth!
Here are some that you must cultivate carefully before they run ruffshod over your property and refuse to halt at your property line:
Bishop's weed, or goutweed
Creeping bugleweed
Crown vetch
English Ivy
Indian strwaberry
Mint (especially spearmint)
Spotted dead nettle
Vinca, or periwinkle
I realize some ot the spieces in the above list are ones I recommend in my book: "The Weekend Gardener". Well, I'm not being contradictory here in today's tip.
I just want you to know that these brands really spread and like to keep on spreading. If you keep that in mind you can be prepared to use them with discretion and care.
It's great to be exuberant---but, let's not get too carried away with groundcover that doesn't like to take too much penning in.
Victor K. Pryles
"The Weekend Gardener"