ANother e-Book Idea

Another way to read my e-book: "The Weekend Gardener"- A Busy Persons' Guide To A Beautiful Backyard Garden
Ssome readers actually print the book out using thier computers' printer to make it easier to read. If you've done that then you now have a portable version you can take with you and pull out at odd times of the day to read; while waiting for a train, between classes, during your lunch hour.
Most importantly, review Chapter One and start to PLAN for your garden. Today's tip is a reminder that this planning is the real heart and soul of effective weekend gardening.
That chapter, if followed to the tee, will save you countless hours of time and frustration.
So, get a trusty notebook, take some photos and tour your yard. Then start dreaming of what it will look like in the future. Really visualize it as much as your imagination will allow.
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