Your Kitchen Herb Garden

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy: They are the charming gardenerswho make our souls blossom. -- Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922)
Have you ever considered having your own kitchen herb garden?
Of course, culinary herbs grown this way do need lots of sunshine but there are some that work well with just morning light, assuming the soil is well drained.I wish I could tell you basil and oregano (two of my personal favorites) were among them---however, parsley does fine.
You can also grow good chervil, fennel,tarragon, lemon balm, sweet cicely, sweet woodruff, and any of the mints.Now if you have a brightly lit kitchen (or other room) that gives good light most of the day you can grow my two favorites too!Try this wonderful way to have fresh home-grown herbs that you can use to spice up your cooking in an amazing way that is truly delightful to the palate.
Labels: herb garden, herbs, home gardening