Three Trees To Bring Us Together

Gardens and flowers have a way of bringing people together, drawing them from their homes. -Clare Ansberry, The Women of Troy Hill
Today I'll give you three trees that will flower after the big springtime show is past.
1. Autumn flowering (Higan) cherry (Prunus subhirtella 'Autumnalis) A double delight, this small tree (to 25 feet) flowers both in spring and fall. There are several varieties, and you can have any flower color you like!
2. Ben Franklin tree (Franklinia alamaha) A good choice for smaller yards, this medium-slow grower seldom gets more than 15 to 20 feet high. Carmelia-like whiteflowers bloom toward the end of summer even as the leaves turn a lovely red-orange for fall. Zones 5 to warmer parts of Zone 9.
3. Southern catalpa (Catalpa bignonioides) With these quick growing, widespreaders, you get a big tree (to 50 feet) in a big hurry. The grand looking leaves are usually deep green; there are also yellow-leaved forms. A bell-shapedwhite flower in mid-summer then later dark seapods. Zones 5-8
Hope you can look this trio of lovelies up in a catalogue today to learn more!